• We are creative, ambitious and ready for challenges!Hire Us
  • Address
  • 125, Suitland Street, USA
  • E-Mail
  • info@example.com

About Us



We are a specialized firm of professional accountants with high trait professional and ethical skill, high level of confidentiality with integrity. Our partners, managers and staff are well trained which is evident in the qualification and years of experience.


The capital contribution by partners is sufficient as to ensure the stability and sustainability of the firm with a view to growing into the future as a ground breaking firm of professional service provider.

International and
local affiliations

As a young indigenous firm of public accountants we are aware of synergy and collaboration to maximize advantages of local and transnational relationship.This is very essential in the present age whereby location is no barrier to business

Deployment of Computer Assisted Audit Techniques (CAAT)

We have evolved the use of Computer Assisted Audit Techniques to carry out our audit assignment and improve the quality of audit reports and complete our client audit engagement within a very reasonable time to give room for timely submission of returns to various stakeholders.

Strategic office location

We are located at the central business district of Ikeja where there is high presence of government institutions, parastatals and agencies. This makes us easily accessible in situations our clients need to visit our office or we need to be physically present to resolve our client’s issues in some government Departments

Serene and good office environment

We have a good office that encourages productivity by partners and staff, hence, the client can have good value for money paid for our services.n

Strategic Office infrastructures with effective communication tools

We have basic infrastructures that promotes productivity and excellent communication with our client. We have secured website with customized email addresses that meets modern requirements, we also have effective social media handle that projects us for the world to see what we can offer. We handle client’s enquiries and resolve issues promptly via our online platform managers.cation

Staff Training

Our staff are encouraged to go for training at the firm’s expense to upgrade in the world of new normal as it affects accountancy profession. We are training to disrupt in order not to be disrupted. Today’s accountants need to be savvy to align with the new trend of artificial intelligence and block chain technology, the effects on accountancy profession so that our high tech clients can be satisfactorily served.

  • Address
  • 125, Suitland Street, USA
  • Phone
  • + 786 875 864 75
  • E-Mail
  • support@globex.com